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THE MUSEUM OF MODERN ART PRESENTS Matisse’s Cut-Outs: A Celebration

This event has already taken place.Nov. 10, 2024 – Jan. 20, 10:30 am – 5:30 pm,
Included with admission: $17-$22; free for ages 16 and younger

Coinciding with the holiday season, The Museum of Modern Art will present Matisse’s Cut-Outs: A Celebration, a special installation of Henri Matisse’s cut-outs, on view in the fourth-floor collection galleries. The installation will feature 10 key works, including Matisse’s Nuit de Noël (Christmas Eve) cut-out maquette and stained-glass window, the latter on view for the first time since 2015. This presentation celebrates The Swimming Pool (1952), marking the last chance to see this immersive work before it comes off view in early 2025.


11 W. 53rd St.
New York