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The Harbor: Manhattan, Mapping the Story of an Island by Jennifer Thermes

August 5, 2023, 10:30 am11:30 am.

Let’s travel back in time and explore the history of New York City through a read aloud of the book by Jennifer Thermes, Manhattan: Mapping the Story of an Island. Hear about Manhattan’s forests of 20,000 years ago to the tall skyscrapers of today! In this mostly-outdoor activity, the group will draw inspiration from views of the harbor and Statue of Liberty just outside the Museum, where young cartographers will create their own maps of Manhattan.

You must reserve a place for your child/family by clicking the “RSVP” button. This will forward you to Eventbrite for registration. After registering, you will receive emails to confirm your attendance through a Google Form (you only need to fill this out once). If you do not confirm attendance by the Friday morning before the program, your places will be canceled. Every child should be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

Family programs are free! Reservation priority is given to The Skyscraper Museum members.


39 Battery Place
New York, United States