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Teleflora’s Wishes Wonderland Benefitting Make-A-Wish®

December 11, 2024, 8 am9 pm.

Teleflora® is partnering with Make-A-Wish® to help grant children’s wishes. Holiday enthusiasts of all ages can head to the iconic Rockefeller Center in New York City for a day of snowman building with a purpose. For every snowman built, Teleflora will donate $10 to Make-A-Wish®! The first 100 participants will receive a FREE Teleflora Send a Hug Reindeer Mug! Celebrate the season and make a difference in the lives of children facing tough battles. Bring your friends, and help Teleflora bring wishes to life.

*Total campaign donation to Make-A-Wish will be a maximum of $250,000.


45 Rockefeller Plaza
New York, NY 10111 United States