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Teens Take The Met! 10th Anniversary Celebration

May 31, 4 pm8 pm.

Grab your friends and celebrate the 10th anniversary of Teens Take The Met! Drop in for teen-only activities across the Museum, including art making, performances, music, and more. Discover what you can also do at over 50 NYC cultural and community organizations.

Doors open at 4 pm. Teens Take The Met! is free and open to all teens 13+ with a middle or high school ID. Just show up or RSVP now to get a free ticket to beat the line. If you’re a chaperone who’d like to come with a group of 10 or more teens, please email teenprograms@metmuseum.org for instructions.

View the schedule in English.
View the schedule in Spanish. Ver el programa en español.

This event will be photographed, filmed, and/or recorded. By your presence at the event, you consent to the photography, filming, and use of your image and/or voice.

Teens Take The Met! is a Teen Night co-organized with over 50 community partners.


1000 Fifth Avenue
New York, 10028