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Outdoor Living Nativity

This event has already taken place.Dec. 15, 2024 – 15, 7:30 pm,
Living Nativity cropped

Presented for free on the lawn of Redeemer Lutheran Church in Bayside, the Living Nativity tells the story of the birth of Jesus Christ, with narration, music, and live animals. The Living Nativity has been a yearly tradition ever since Redeemer Lutheran Church first presented it to the community of Bayside in 1964. Performed nightly for two consecutive nights––approximately 30 members and friends of Redeemer, ranging in age from grade school to adult, appear in the 20-minute pageant, and walk through the narrated story of the birth of Jesus. Attendees are invited to come in for hot chocolate and cookies (donated by the French Workshop on Bell Boulevard) after each performance.


36-01 Bell Blvd.
Bayside, NY 11361 United States