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New Plays for Young Audiences presents “Speak”

June 15, 7 pm9 pm.

Speak by Laurie Brooks is adapted from the popular book by Laurie Halse Anderson. This play tells the story of outcast Melinda as she enters high school. It’s not going well. Her old friends won’t talk to her, and others just glare at her or make fun of her. Struggling with classes, friends and home life, Melinda retreats into her head, where she hides a terrible secret that won’t go away. Her grades drop, she gets into trouble and even though her parents try to help in their own way, Melinda will not talk to them. Then, a painful confrontation at a school party forces her to face the truth about what happened to her. With help from a friend and an unsuspected teacher, Melinda discovers she must share her secret. This moving young woman has realized that although it’s hard to speak up for yourself, keeping silent is worse. Best enjoyed by ages 12-18.

Content warning: There is a reference to rape and sexual assault.  There will be a pre-show event co-sponsored by TYA/USA, more information found on the reservation site.



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