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Music Production Basics: Re-Sampling

March 27, 4 pm.

Are you interested in learning how to make music using analog gear and digital software?


In this introductory class, you’ll get a chance to learn:

– An introduction to Ableton Live and its main features
– An overview of our teen recording studio and functions of the patchbay for routing signal
– Advanced sampling techniques, such as chopping, re-sequencing, and using outboard analog FX
– The opportunity to work on your own music and receive feedback from your peers and instructors

Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced musician looking to learn more about music production, this class is for you.

No prior experience necessary. If they would like to keep their work from class, attendees are encouraged to bring their own flash drive or external hard drive to the Media Lab.

This program is made possible by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF).



455 Fifth Avenue
New York, New York