Multiracial & Families of Color Havdalah Celebration
Enjoy a joyful and inclusive evening for families with Havdalah rituals, crafts, songs, and delicious snacks and desserts. Hosted by The Senesh School, Fig Tree, The Neighborhood, and other wonderful community partners, this family-friendly gathering will be a special opportunity for parents and children to join and participate together, share traditions, and uplift the diverse tapestry of Jewish identity.
Expect Havdalah Rituals & Blessings, Hands-On Crafts, Cooking & Activities, Music, Stories, and Songs, and Delicious Dumplings & Desserts.
Inspired by both the Lunar New Year and the beginning of Black History Month, the community will gather in a welcoming and joyful space for diverse Jewish families to mark the end of the week, explore their unique cultural histories while also creating space for learning, conversation, and celebration of Jewish experiences. Together, we will explore traditions, share stories, enjoy tasty treats and celebrate the fullness of our identities.
This event is open to all multiracial and Jewish families of color, however your family chooses to define or identify. Activities are designed for parents and children to participate together.
Come celebrate and connect in a space where all are seen, valued, and celebrated.