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Movies for Minis | Elf (2003)

This event has already taken place.Dec. 27, noon – 2 pm.
$5 per adult; free for children

Starring Will Ferrell, this hilarious Christmas film tells the tale of a young orphan child who mistakenly crawls into Santa’s bag of gifts on Christmas Eve and is transported back to the North Pole and raised as an elf. Years later Buddy learns he is not really an elf and goes on a journey to New York City to find his true identity. Sing along with Buddy and his friends and learn fun, new facts about the North Pole, Elf Culture, and every Buddy else!

Inspired by the our installation Gingerbread NYC: The Great Borough Bake-Off, families will come together and watch the movie before being whisked away to other holiday-themed activities throughout the museum.

Tickets include admission to the museum (10am–5pm), a bag of popcorn, and a juice box.

*All children must be accompanied by an adult! The targeted age group for the film is 0–12 years old


1220 5th Avenue
New York, NY 10029 United States