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Live Virtual Toddler Storytime

March 11, 11 am.

This event is online only. Children 18-36 months old and their caregivers can join us for songs, early literacy activities, and books! Any child under 5 also welcome!


Missed out on family storytimes over the last year? Ready to move and sing and read books together? Catch up with Hal and the children’s team as we sing songs, read picture books, and move around together–virtually! This program will be held over Google Meets. After registering, you will receive the link to the program 24 hours before the program starts.


Throughout this program, librarians will provide opportunities for engagement and interaction with numbers, letters, colors, and open-ended questions. The expectation of this program is that caregivers will engage with children while the program is being conducted, helping prompt exploration and interaction with their real-life environment. 


For questions or last-minute registrations, contact halschrieve@nypl.org.


18 West 53rd Street
New York, New York