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Lamp Post Decorating @ Downtown Riverhead

October 13, 2023, 8 am5 pm.
Lamp Post Competition
Calling all local businesses, residents and organizations, we need YOU to help Riverhead turn its downtown into a world of Frights and Sights during the month of October!
Annually decorating the lamp posts on Main Street brings our town to life (or death) with fall and Halloween themes.
Get your team together and be a part of the fun! It’s a great way to make memories while displaying your creativity downtown.
Community service hours are available.
Various Lamp posts are available.* Decorating every one of them will transform Main Street into a Halloween Hometown like no other on the East End!
All it takes is your imagination and some decorations…
Register to decorate a lamp post (we will confirm your lamp post number and location) and design a concept encompassing any Halloween or fall theme (political, racial and socially offensive material will not be accepted and will be removed without warning)
Please use zip ties to attach decorations to lamp posts. Do not use wire or tape
Lamp post decor must be installed between 10/9 – 10/16 and removed between 11/1 and 11/5. Decor remaining on 11/7 will be discarded
You are responsible for purchasing and maintaining the decorations (please check your post periodically, especially after wind and rain)
Main Street merchants have first right of refusal to use lamp posts in front of their store (businesses must register by October 1st)
Unclaimed lamp posts will then be opened up to public for selection and decoration (requested locations are not guaranteed and will be determined by the Riverhead BID)
*Veteran’s banners will remain in place through November in honor of Veteran’s Day. On the posts with banners, we will install corn stalks and pink/orange decor in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. The Riverhead BID reserves the right to reassign lamp posts, deny inappropriate submissions and remove any decorations that are offensive or not being maintained. If your preferred location is not available, one will be assigned to you. For more information please contact admin@downtownriverhead.org


Main Street from Griffing Avenue to McDermott Avenue
Riverhead, NY 11901 United States