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Hanukkah Celebration

This event has already taken place.Dec. 17, 5:30 – 6:30 pm.

Embrace the spirit of the season with art, music, warmth and community. Enjoy lunchtime and early evening events with live klezmer band performances accompanied by a therapeutic art-making activity.

12:00 – 1:00 PM: Shoko Nagai’s Menorahs Quartet and drop-in art-making activity led by art therapist, Tova Speter

5:30 – 6:30 PM: Michael Winograd’s Heimishe Klezmer Band with special guest Sarah Mina Gordon and drop-in art-making activity led by art therapist, Tova Speter

ABOUT THE ART-MAKING ACTIVITY: Hanukkah is one of many festivals of light being celebrated at this time of year, and one in which we use a special “helper” candle (called the Shamash) to spread the light to other candles. Inspired by the Edith Wharton quote “there are two ways of spreading light, to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it,” the artists invites your to design a mini LED candle holder and coaster to brighten your spirit as you consider how you spread your light with others. Come for a few minutes or stay for as long as you like.


230 Vesey Street
New York 10281