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¡Corre, Abuelita, Run!

September 30, 2023, 2 pm2:30 pm.
Free with cost of admission to museums/garden
FY24 CAR Calendar Listing Image

It’s the first Sunday in November, and Emily’s Abuelita is running in the NYC marathon! Emily made a sign that reads “¡Corre, Abuelita, Run!” that she wants to hold up as Abuelita runs through the finish line – but she needs your help to travel through the five boroughs and get to Central Park in time to celebrate!

Conceived, written, and directed by Sammy Lopez, ¡Corre, Abuelita, Run! is an interactive bilingual, Spanish and English, performance that uses language, music, puppetry, and movement to take your youngest audience members on a journey through the vibrant and diverse neighborhoods of New York City.

¡Corre, Abuelita, Run! celebrates and explores the power of community, the joy of intergenerational family relationships, New York City, and the importance of language and traditions.

Playing at

  • Brooklyn Children’s Museum on Saturday, September 30th at 11:30am and 2pm
  • New York Botanical Garden on Saturday, October 7th at 12:30pm and 2:30pm
  • Staten Island Children’s Museum on Sunday, October 15th at 2pm
  • The Metropolitan Museum of Art on Saturday, October 21st at 1pm and 3:30pm
  • Queens Museum on Sunday, October 22nd at 1pm


916 S Swanson St.
Philadelphia, PA United States