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Climate Week at Battery Park City

This event has already taken place.Sept. 27, 3 – 5 pm.

For climate week, Battery Park City Authority will host a week of fun events designed to educate about and celebrate the environment.

TUESDAY 1:30–2:30PM,  CLIMATE WEEK: MEET THE BEEKEEPER: Join a presentation led by Alvéole beekeepers at the Battery Park City hive located at the Chambers St. entrance to Rockefeller Park. Learn about the importance of urban beekeeping and its benefit to sustainability efforts in BPC and throughout the city.
FRIDAY 3–5PM, CLIMATE WEEK: CHILDREN’S GARDEN OPEN HOURS: Drop into the Children’s Garden after school to see what’s blooming! Explore how gardens make our cities more resilient in the face of climate change. BPCA naturalists will be on hand to answer questions and make discoveries about the creatures that grow, crawl, hop, and fly through the garden.


New York, NY 10280 United States