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Christmas Eve Services at Trinity Church Wall Street

December 24, 2023.
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Solemne Eucaristía de Navidad en español
Sunday, December 24, 12:45 pm, Trinity Church
¡Celebremos Navidad en Trinity! Música y cantos navideños interpretados por el coro de Trinity Church Wall Street y su coral estudiantil. Acompañamiento de guitarra por Mariano Aguirre.


Christmas Eve Family Eucharist 
Sunday, December 24, 4pm, Trinity Church and online
Children’s Christmas pageant and first Eucharist of Christmas with favorite hymns sung by the Trinity Youth Chorus and The Choir of Trinity Wall Street, with NOVUS NY Brass.


Christmas Eve Holy Eucharist 
Sunday, December 24, 7pm, Trinity Church
Festival Eucharist with favorite hymns and anthems offered by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street with St. Paul’s Chapel Choir and NOVUS NY Brass.


Christmas Eve Holy Eucharist
Sunday, December 24, 9pm ET, Trinity Church and online
Festival Eucharist with favorite hymns and anthems offered by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street, Trinity Youth Chorus, and NOVUS NY Brass.


Christmas Eve Holy Eucharist
Sunday, December 24, 11pm ET, Trinity Church
Solemn Midnight Eucharist with favorite hymns and anthems offered by The Choir of Trinity Wall Street, Trinity Youth Chorus, and NOVUS NY Brass.

All virtual services are available for livestream at www.trinitychurchwallstreet.org


89 Broadway
New York, NY 10006 United States