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Celebrate the Arts at Kew Gardens Community Arts Day

September 9, 2023, 11 am6 pm.

The entire neighborhood will be turned into an art experience at KEW GARDENS COMMUNITY ARTS DAY 2023! This will be the 9th year of this well attended event and as always the day promises to be a big celebration of the arts with a small town feel. Expect an eclectic mix of artwork created by talented Queens artists sold on the main streets (including many demonstrations of the art form), relax in Kew Gardens Cinemas Park while listening to local musicians playing a popular mix of music genres, art experiences for children and adults at the Arts Zone, Sidewalk Chalk Art (transform NYC concrete into intricate, wild works of art), Face Painting for a Charity, Wishes For the World Tree (leave a message!), have FUN at the public service organization tables, creative offerings by local businesses, expect lots of surprises and much much more! This event is sponsored by a grant awarded by Council Member Lynn Schulman to the Kew Gardens Council for Recreation and the Arts, Inc. Rain date: September 10.


Austin Street, Lefferts Blvd, 83 Avenue
Kew Gardens, NY 11415 United States