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Celebrate Eliza Jumel’s 250th Birthday at the Morris-Jumel Mansion

April 5, 2 pm3 pm.
$10 for Mansion admission; under 12, free
Eliza silhouette—small

Eliza Jumel had a taste for poetic justice . . . so did she really hire Alexander Hamilton’s son as her lawyer when she divorced Aaron Burr? Find out—and celebrate her 250th birthday with cake and bubbly—at 2 PM on April 5 at the Morris-Jumel Mansion.

Biographer Margaret Oppenheimer, author of The Remarkable Rise of Eliza Jumel, will unveil Jumel’s wily dealings with Hamilton Jr. and share a long-forgotten letter by Jumel’s niece Mary that contains delightful references to Burr.

The talk is free with Mansion admission: $10 for adults and free for children under 12 (https://morrisjumel.org/visit/). Space is limited so ticket prepurchase is strongly recommended.

Come join us for an afternoon of history, intrigue and celebration!


65 Jumel Ter
New York, New York 10032