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Break Free with EFT: An Introduction to Emotional Freedom Technique for Healthcare Professionals, Teachers, and the Long Beach Community

June 22, 11:30 am1:30 pm.

Are you feeling stressed, overwhelmed, or burnt out from the pressures of daily life? Is your to-do list endless? Do you constantly juggle the demands of work, family and self-care – often letting your own needs fall by the wayside?

You’re not alone.

In our fast-paced and increasingly chaotic world, it’s all too easy to feel overwhelmed, stressed and drained, and sometimes it can seem impossible to find calm or confidence, exactly when we need it.

But, what if I told you there was a simple tapping technique that you control from your own fingertips, which can help relieve your stress and negative emotions, and help you regain your inner strength, not in 2 hours… not in 1 hour, but in mere… minutes?

Imagine no longer having to feel like your morning or your day is ruined or lost by something that happened… no longer having to replay a triggering scenario in your head that just won’t quit… no longer being at the mercy of what’s happening around you… not having to distract yourself from or bury difficult emotions, because you’ll be able to tune in, take charge and take back control over yourself in the situation, simply by using EFT.

Imagine it… that’s super empowering and exciting, isn’t it?

It’s time to enter this new realm of zen and bolster your self-care/self-management toolkit.

Join us for an introductory workshop on Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), a breakthrough method for stress reduction and self-healing. EFT is an energy psychology technique based on many of the same energy meridians used in Traditional Chinese Medicine’s acupuncture/acupressure. EFT provides an evidence-based, drug-free solution for addressing everyday stresses without time-consuming therapy.


By tapping on specific end points of the body while focusing on a negative thought, feeling, or belief, the blocked energy inside is released, and your inner balance and flow are restored.


In this interactive 2-hour session, board-certified EFT practitioner and transformational coach Nicole Guberman will explain the concepts behind EFT and how it all works.

You’ll learn the basic tapping recipe and have the opportunity to observe and practice tapping for relieving stress, boosting mood and dissolving blocks on both mental and physical levels.

You’ll learn the connection between Qi Gong and EFT, and experience a bit of guided meditation to help you internalize the calming power of EFT on your mind and body.

Come discover why healthcare professionals, teachers, busy parents, and everyday people swear by EFT to stay energized, present and in “flow” – even during their toughest days. This technique is one you can use daily (and even teach to your children) to nourish your well-being without other time-consuming options. Reclaim your power to handle whatever comes your way.

Invest an invigorating two hours on Saturday morning, June 22, discovering a wellness-boosting skill you’ll be able to start applying immediately after the workshop, and which you’ll keep for life.

Give yourself the gift of stress relief and inner strength – no matter what challenges you face. Space is limited – register today for this transformative workshop on EFT.

Break Free with EFT: An Introduction to Emotional Freedom Technique

Saturday, June 22, 2024 11:30AM – 1:30PM

Pod Spa and Wellness, 221 E Park Ave, Long Beach, NY 11561

**Early Bird Pricing** $33 before June 16, 2024

Regular $40 online and at the door

Each participant will receive an informational packet/folder with resources and inspirational pen.

Led by: Nicole Guberman, MNLP, MHt, Board-certified EFT Practitioner, Alternative Healing Arts Practitioner & Mindset Coach




Visit www.podspas.com/workshops for more information


221 E Park Ave
Long Beach, NY 11561 United States