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Bindlestiff Family Cirkus – 2023 Summer Flatbed Follies

This event has already taken place.Aug. 6, 3 pm.
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Harkening back to the days when the grand circus parade came through towns across the country and captivated everyone who saw it, Flatbed Follies offers a much-needed celebration and brings art back to the streets. The repurposed parade floats are equipped to showcase incredible and eclectic talent, including clowns, jugglers, wire walkers, acrobats, aerial acts, and more. The stages are also equipped to feature live music and after-dark options including silent movies with live musicians. Flatbed Follies can become the focal point for a full-day street activation, or it can make a couple of stops in a day with a show that rolls into place.

Bindlestiff’s Flatbed Follies is an exciting way to bring performance to the people. It is flexible and easily adapts to the locations visited. Flatbed Follies can offer workshops and community programming, inviting local marching bands, dancers, and youth groups to join the spectacle.



34th Ave between 93rd and 94th Street
Jackson Heights, New York 11372