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BAMkids Celebrates MLK Day 2024: Small Things in Great Ways

January 15, 2024, 1:30 pm2:45 pm.
Families participate in Soul Energy Dance for BAMkids Celebrate MLK Day_Photo Credit Rebecca Greenfield-3894

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s vision and teachings come to life as BAMkids pays tribute to his legacy through a tapestry of engaging activities that echo Dr. King’s message about the importance of small acts in fostering change and unity, from a spoken word performance by visionary young poet Jada Wilkinson to creating a community song and movement under the direction of music teaching artist Okai Fleurimont, spoken word artist Zaven, and dancer Robenson Mathurin. Participants can contribute to a collaborative CommUNITY Banner led by visual artist Lexy Ho-Tai and other community craft activities, symbolizing their commitment to making positive community changes. In partnership with City Harvest, families will engage in activities that uplift seniors, aligning with Dr. King’s call to serve others. Advanced registration required.

Photo Credit: Rebecca Greenfield


30 Lafayette Ave.
Brooklyn, NY 11563 United States